Cabinet administrators have prioritized from among SRJC’s over 400 board policies (BPs) and administrative procedures (APs) a review and update of approximately 80 that are:
- required to meet accreditation standards
- have not been reviewed since our last accreditation team visit in 2015, and
- are required, but have no corresponding SRJC policy or procedure
This select group of BPs/APs have been chosen as the starting point for the multi-year update project to transition all of SRJC’s board policies and administrative procedures from the current process to one utilizing and informed by the Community College League of California (CCLC) policy service and the templates they provide.
The list can be found here.
This list is designed as a ‘crosswalk’ between the CCLC and SRJC policies and procedures, and provides information on when a given BP/AP was last reviewed, which Cabinet administrator is responsible for the update, and how it is categorized (e.g. legally required, legally recommended, required to meet accreditation standards, etc.). CCLC has also provided optional language focusing on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) aspects of policies and procedures, and where appropriate that is noted for the BPs/APs under review at this time.
- The cabinet administrator will review templates and the changes necessary with appropriate staff and other stakeholders, including relevant governance committees, and will move forward through the approval process.
- New and revised policy/procedure will be presented to College Council for information. After College Council, the proposed changes will be presented to the Board of Trustees as an information item for a first reading– no action.
- Board Policies will go to the Board as an action item the following Board meeting for a second read and adoption.
- Administrative Procedures will be approved by the Superintendent/President and Cabinet and presented at a Board meeting as an information item and preferably with the associated board policy. The Superintendent/President has approval authority for Administrative Procedures.